Work Together
The ingredients you need to make the impact you’re craving.
Are you wanting to create lasting impact and income without doing additional (and often accidental) harm to our already f’d up world? We serve leaders who know that the current recipes out there just won’t work for their trailblazing ways, because either a) they’ve tried those recipes, and found that they felt out of integrity or b) just reading the “recipe” someone else wrote made their stomach churn with disgust. Sound familiar? If so, keep reading.
Live and In-Person
Events to connect you with other world-changing leaders.
Join us for our highly acclaimed LIVE events that take place around the world.
Upcoming Dates and Learn more:
Your Leadership Recipe LIVE at La Pitchoune ::
April 26 – May 2, 2020 Learn More >
COHORT :: By attendance at Your Leadership Recipe LIVE and by Invitation only
3 year immersion into Personal, Community, and Global Leadership

Name: Alejandra Ortega Business: Chief of Making it Happen at State of Business before our work: When I met Makenna, I had been in business for less than a year, and was pretty proud of how far I had come, but I also felt like I was just coasting along and not being intentional about my growth. My biggest challenge was making decisions on the future of my business. I had fallen into the work I was doing by happenstance and was doing quite well, but felt like I had no idea how to set goals or even imagine where I could take this business. State of Business AFTER our work: Makenna helped me get super clear on my vision for my life and my business. She helped me growing my team, setting revenue goals, and adjusting prices so I could easily reach my goals. I loved that Makenna never tried to get me to follow specific methods or blueprints for anything. We always talked about how I wanted to feel and what I wanted my life to be, and then she helped me figure out how I could manage my business in ways that supported that. She also understood that life and business feed each other, and didn’t shy away from helping me figure out some personal stuff. Having that support and a holistic view of me as a person/business owner/service provider made a huge difference in how I grew my business and adapted to the changes and challenges that came up. Long-term results: In the two years I worked with Makenna, my business grew steadily and my revenue tripled. I still ask myself myself the questions Makenna asked me whenever I’m setting goals and making plans, and I don’t get bogged down on all the online business chatter. What I learned from Makenna about how to create a business that serves me and the life I want to have will always be part of my toolbox.
“Working with Makenna is like working with an exceptional teacher or personal trainer. The work is hard, and you’re expected to bring your A game, but no matter how tiring, challenging, or scary-icky-feels you have to go through…you do it because you’ve just had your inner light mirrored back to you in a way that helps you rise to the occasion with the fullness of your being,
Makenna serves from such an egoless place. What she does and how she supports is SO effortless and it’s breathtakingly beautiful to watch from both the outside looking in, and from someone who got to engage with that on a personal level.”
— Alexis Morgan, Alexis P. Morgan -
“Makenna is a genius. Her coaching and strategy sometimes seems to come out of nowhere–every once in a while I want to yell at her about it–but lo and behold, it’s bigger, better, and more easeful than I could have imagined. Working with her has brought more beauty, expansion, and growth personally and professionally. She sees my business, and she really listens to my needs. She’s not recycling strategies, she’s not mincing words, she’s helping me see my greatness and reflects it back to me with massive love, tact, and grace.”
— Catherine Just – Catherine Just Photography -
“Makenna knows how to orchestrate an event. This was a mother effin symphony. Every detail, every moment, every speaker, (did I mention the massages during check-in?!), filled with intention. I felt so taken care of. This is a mandatory event for my business. I will attend as long as she’s keen on hosting them!”
— Lindsay Padilla, Academics Mean Business -
“My intensive was the most cathartic experience I have had in a long time. And I feel quite liberated. And to be completely honest, I was biting my nails for the money I spent. But thank god I found Makenna, and I am so glad I forked over the money. I didn’t think it was possible for her to do what she just did, and it is more than possible.
I loved it so much, I booked a more in depth session with her almost immediately. She changed my perspective and the way I am in the world, and that causes a ripple effect on everybody and everything in my world.”
— Susan Behnke, Artist & Educator -
“Working with Makenna has been a big game changer for me, both personally and professionally. Although I was experiencing a lot of success in my business, something was off and I was struggling to feel ease and joy in my work like I once did. I knew I needed to make some changes, but I was paralyzed by fear and self-doubt. Makenna is the no bullshit coach and that I needed. She firmly (but lovingly) pushed me to face those fears and move through the self-doubt.
As a result, I’ve changed the way I work with clients, discovered a new market that’s perfect for my future plans, and have the confidence to accomplish all of my goals – not to mention the strategy I need to actually make it happen! Our weekly coaching sessions provide the accountability, strategy, and support I was missing.
AND the in-person retreat? LIFE CHANGING! Not only did I make new friends, I experienced MASSIVE personal growth during my time at La Peetch. I can’t wait to spend another week with this magical unicorn of a woman!”
— Rachel Barbic – Rachel Barbic, LLC -
“I believe attending Your Leadership Recipe started me on a more intentional journey of self-reflection and exploration than I may have started otherwise. I left the event wanting more. More connection with others, especially those in attendance, more community, more self-understanding, more brilliance.”
— Melissa Gerrior -
“Practical Magic LIVE encouraged me to seek community in my life outside of the event that empowers and supports me. YLR lit a fire within me to take a hard look at any bullshit I participate in or perpetuate in my life.”
— Sarah Silvas, -
“[Makenna’s event] led to some of the most profound clarity for my own leadership.”
— Megan Hale,
Applause, Impact, and What They Say ::
“I highly recommend that you run, not walk, towards anything that Makenna offers. Her impeccability, humor, wisdom, and vision combine to create incredibly powerful, practical, and profound experiences. Don’t miss the opportunity for Makenna to help you to grow yourself and your business from the heart of your integrity.”
— Heather Ash, -
“Working with Makenna is liking taking your bra off after a long hard day. You didn’t even know it was bugging you, but once it’s off? You can finally breathe and new things are possible. She leans in, takes everything in, and then leans back to let it all integrate before speaking. Her insights are integrated. Her coaching feels like being cherished. In all of my (over)investment in coaching, those three months with Makenna gave me the foundational and tactical shift to allow my business to surge forward.”
— Karen Fritz, Purpose Driven Process -
“It’s been less than 2 weeks since I had my virtual intensive with Makenna and already my business has shifted dramatically. I’ve implemented new strategies in my life and company, and I really believe my big business vision can come to life–and sooner than I ever expected.
The biggest shift for me has been the development of a stronger belief that my work is invaluable and that my life and business can support one another. I really appreciate the holistic view Makenna took toward our session, even as a practical, ‘just the facts’ kind of person. Despite my intentions to have a ‘one and done’ day with her, I plan to continue working with Makenna* on my business and my life.”
*MakJo’s note :: She signed up for on-going monthly coaching.
— Mallie Rydzik, -
“I feel like Makenna is just a sort of magical catalyst. She’s the real deal and I look forward to getting to work with her again.”
— Tracy Brooks, -
“I had been following her for over a year before actually ever reaching out, but once I did, she lit my world on fire! What I love about Mak Jo is that she is both woo and action-oriented. She doesn’t support you in waiting for things to happen, but instead encourages you to get shit done using very practical steps AND believing in the power of magic.
I came to Mak with a very limited viewpoint on where I could go. I was tired of hearing what I should do. She asked what I wanted to do. It was such a relief to hear a coach not give me the 6-figure, get-rich-quick talk. She really supported me in seeing the infinite possibilities that lay before me. I immediately found so much resonating with me and actually WORKING. I saw RESULTS. She gets you to where you want to be by asking the right questions, supporting you in formulating an action plan, and continuing to be there as you go out and create the life you want (with the flexibility to change it whenever you want).”
— Sarina Harz, Creative Harz -
“She’s amazing, so genuine. I loved her integrity and her insights into leadership.”
— Halley Gray, Evolve and Succeed -
“I think Makenna could speak to anyone. Basically she knows how to rip down walls and get us thinking about things that really matter in the survival of the human race. She brings it! Very educated, and knowledgeable and articulate with her words. She definitely got me thinking and feeling things I didn’t ever think or feel before.
If you are thinking of booking her to speak, do it. It will be a pretty crazy, high ride. And you will leave better for it. Plus, you won’t forget her.”
— Adera Angelucci, -
“As a home-based business owner, I sometimes feel like I’m on an island. Making decisions, doing my work and running my business by myself. Although I have daily interaction with clients, colleagues and even a business partner, much of it is digital.
Makenna provided me with just the right mix of personal listening and responding, allowing time for me to work through my big questions…but in a connective mode, rather than the isolation I’m accustomed to. My time on the phone with her was well spent.”
— Julie Ball, Sparkle Hustle Grow