Leading isn’t nourishing for you or your people if you follow someone else’s recipe.
Find your unique strategy for growth and leadership. In these changing, and challenging times.

Before we even get started, I want to acknowledge whatever nudge brought you to this page.
You’re here because you have a movement you long to lead. And you know you’re here, on this rock called earth, for that exact purpose. And frankly? You’ve been successful doing it so far. You’ve done the work. You’ve seen some results. But something just isn’t resonating — in your offerings, in your impact, with your community or team. Something just feels… off. You’ve done the courses, the coaching programs, and so much of the work and yet you’re still not seeing (or feeling) the global results you’ve been craving.
Well, we want you to know that your appetite, heart, and internet browser are in the right place.
Welcome to Your Leadership Recipe,
Here, we help high-achieving and desire-to-be-high-achieving leaders release conditioning of ‘what should be done’ and instead craft a unique recipe to increase their reach, create positive and lasting impact, and dramatically boost their income at the same time.
Think about this.
What if you could…
- increase your work’s impact simply by learning to shift how you show up online and in-person?
- reignite your soul’s purpose in your work and quadruple your monthly income in just a few short months?
- expand your capacity to hold more responsibility in your life, career, and global impact while taking exquisite care of yourself in the process?
- shift a key way of being to in order to better serve your team and your community, while also growing your own dreams in the process?
- build your willingness to see and be seen in your personal way of being, your communities you serve and exist within, and beyond?
These aren’t hypothetical or rhetorical questions, these are changes we’ve actually created with and for clients.

And that’s exactly what we’ll do together — create lasting, unmistakable, ‘holy monkey I didn’t know life & career could be this good’ change. The results? You’ll expand your leadership capacity in three key ways (personally, locally, and globally). You’ll increase resonance, congruence, and integrity in your messaging, your impact, and your leadership at large. You’ll fall back in love with your mission and the money you’re attracting as a result.
It’s not magic, but the results will feel like it is.
(Ok, maybe there’s a little magic too. Ours AND yours together. For the perfect dish.)

About Our CEO
Your Leadership Recipe was founded by Makenna Held, at an event called Practical Magic she hosted in 2016 (the rest of our team were there too). She’s a been-there, done-that entrepreneur with experience spanning from Academia (leading classrooms as a favorite professor for multiple years), to Marketing (directing the world’s largest (and most lucrative) online advertising funnel), to Non-Profit Work (founding a non-profit in rural Kenya that shattered ideas of how ‘development’ work could be done), to Business Leadership (now operating as the CEO of five businesses). Really. She’s got a record label, a cooking school, this here leadership training company, a business coaching and marketing company, in addition to a few other top secret projects brewing. Makenna created Your Leadership Recipe because, simply put, she gives a lot of damns and she knows YOU do too. You’re here to make a massive impact, not a messy one. And you deserve to do so without having to follow anyone else’s formulaic path to getting there. Because we both know that just doesn’t work. Your Leadership Recipe is here to provide you with the resources and support you need to make everything you could dream of happen (and probably faster than you can do it on your own). Read More >
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