Let’s face it…Starting a business is exciting, enthralling, and sometimes…terrifying. Want to know something super exciting? You aren’t the first person to feel that way. Nope! Not by a long shot. In fact…. Everyone has been in your shoes. They really have! Ok. Not your ACTUAL shoes, this is your proverbial, business shoes. Everyone, and […]
Last week I made a sweeping proclamation that “I would be more honest and open and share my journey”. I wrote a blog, I posted it, I shared it everywhere I could. Then I went into hiding, a deep hiding where I was scared and paralyzed about what to do next. How to proceed. I […]
Today I find myself in a less than cheerful mood, my tendency towards light slowly being overtaken by shadow. Dark seeps into corners, smiles turn flat. Being a wanderer, both by choice and by marriage means a great deal of excitement. Constant streams of new friends, old friends left behind, new places to discover, destruction […]
I find myself in a place, right now, where I have never quite been before. I am moving, again. You see that ‘again’ and I imagine you, the reader, to think that if there is an ‘again’ as a qualifier, then perhaps this changes my initial posit of ‘I’ve never quite been here before’. And […]
Yesterday the unthinkable happened, and nearly 200 souls were injured physically, 3 left our world, and many more thousands have been scarred emotionally. Boston was under fire. Explosions rang through. Chaos insured. For me it was surreal to imagine the scene in a town I used to call my 2nd home. A town where I […]