Integrity is a tricky thing sometimes. There is so much desire to grow, expand our incomes, and be of deeper service of the world. We can have criticism for each other, our practices, etc without it being an AFFRONT to sisterhood. We can have a point of view that varies from that of other coaches […]
I am pretty dang sick of the prosperity conversations that I see in communities across the book of faces. The idea gets floated around that we can just ‘have anything we desire’. The idea that simply by ‘attracting’ things we can make money. There is some ‘sure’ to that, but also…You have to understand the […]
In the world of online business, there are any number of courses one can take teaching you various ‘strategies’ for success. “Learn my 10 strategies for 6 figure success” “Learn my 3 step formula for 7 Figure Months” “Learn my unique 15 step funnel formula for wild success” Ad nauseam. The problem with all […]
Typically speaking, I’m not one to laud the eccentricities of famous folk. I’m more apt to laud the opinions and perceptions of that of the common human. The ones who have very real bills to pay, and fears about where the next dollar will come from. (I find this to be especially important when discussing […]
DON’T BE A SALES BULLY You don’t need to bully people into buying from you. Your job isn’t to convince them they need you. They may or may not need you. And you have zero place as a coach or service provider to make that decision for them. They need to make that decision themselves. […]
For the past six months or so, I have started to notice a pattern. Anytime I post a slightly viral-ish post in a facebook group, I get between 10 and 30 requests to ‘have a conversation’, ‘pick my brain’, ‘ask me about my journey’, ‘get insights into how I did it’. This equates to as […]
AKA “What the BLEEP was she thinking all these years?” See also: 2 years (in this iteration of coach/consultant/mentor), 5 programs, and a GAZILLION pricepoints later…. I started my business in 2013. It was a rough year for me to be starting, but it was out of necessity. I had just found out that […]
Stop looking up to others to be your sole source of inspiration. Ask rather, how can I inspire myself? Stop looking down on those who struggle. Instead ask, how can I lift them up? Stop assuming that people are ignoring you when they don’t respond to a message/text/email. Ask instead, are they ok? […]
From September to December of this year I coached 104 women. For free. (This is not an advisable practice for the record, and I’ll likely never do it again. No matter how much fun I had…But that is a different post.). The ties that bind these 104 women, or at the very least 50% of […]